The form on this page is the electronic version of the form that all members and active constituents fill out during our annual Stewardship Consecration service. If you could not return your card in-person, you can submit the form from here!
Pledging (estimating what you are going to contribute for the year) helps us build our annual church budget and plan accordingly.
Thank you for prayerfully filling out this form!
When you submit this form, it is sent to the church office email. Only our Financial Secretary (Bill) and his assistant (Connie) are the ones who will be viewing this. Your numbers and data are *not* shared with anyone else.
NOTE: This pledge form does *not* change your electronic giving through VANCO. To adjust your online giving, you must go to your VANCO profile (click here), notify our Financial Secretary, OR use the Electronic Form that is found here (print and return)