Love God

    Love Others

    Serve the World

    You are welcome here!

    All are welcome!

    You are loved!  You can love!  You are loveable!

    All are people of sacred worth!

    Christ invites everyone to His Table–we practice Open Communion!

    Come as you are!

    Our facilities are fully wheelchair accessible!

    We are child-friend and family-centered!

    Worship Times

    Sunday Mornings  10:00 am

    In-person and on YouTube.

    We Are A
    Reconciling & Inclusive

    (click the icon above to go to the website of
    Reconciling Ministries Network -RMN)

    Port Edwards United Methodist Church (PEUMC) is a Reconciling and Inclusive Congregation.  The People of PEUMC commit themselves
    to ensure welcome and belonging for all,
    by providing a safe and brave space.
    Love is LOVE! and “God is Love!” (1 John 4:7-8)

    We affirm that
    God has poured out the Holy Spirit on all people
    and that all people are of sacred worth.
    We welcome, include, and affirm each individual
      no matter their:
          gender identity & expression,
          sexual orientation,
       who are also of every
          age, race, ethnicity, nationality,
          language, physical and intellectual ability,
          family structure,
       and of every
          economic, marital, and social status,
    faith tradition,
               and so much more . . .

    Current & Upcoming Events

    Emergency Announcements Found Here
